Warts and All: A poem from Sarah-Louise

This week, we’re sharing a poem written by Sarah-Louise Kelly. Sarah-Louise is a writer who co-facilitated a poetry workshop with us a few weeks ago as part of our workshop series in collaboration with Healthy Minds. Sarah-Louise led a discussion about boundaries, life-writing and vulnerability, and also came up with a creative prompt for our attendees to respond to. The prompt was: write a love letter to yourself. Here’s the poem that Sarah-Louise herself wrote in response. 

Warts and All
I think you are off your head
crooked teeth, straggly hair
an accent nobody can place
and I love you
you weirdo
you’re so funny

even if just to you and me

your taste in music expands as far as the eye can see
I love you

We’re having a great time running our series of summer workshops, funded by Healthy Minds anti-stigma fund. If you would like to learn more about the workshops, including information on how to sign up (it’s not too late!) then click here.

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