Tag Archives | human rights

“Things had moved on, it felt overwhelming” Amira shares her story with the Mums Returning To Work project

The Mums Returning to Work project by Outside the Box is highlighting the issues faced by a huge amount of women during pregnancy, as well as during and after maternity leave. The Equality and Human Rights Commission found that in the U.K: 77% of mums had a negative of discriminatory experience during pregnancy, maternity leave […]

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Housing First Scotland – ‘getting right alongside people to help them make their house a home’

Today, Inside Housing have published an insightful and encouraging article by Martin Armstrong, Chief Executive of the Wheatley Group. With current levels of homelessness in Scotland shamefully high, he outlines how the ‘Housing First’ model could be a game changer, supporting more people to access and maintain their own homes. Martin explains that Housing First […]

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‘It is evening’ – a film about leaving your country behind by young people from Central and West Integration Network

It was an absolute privilege to work with the children and young people at Central and West Integration Network, helping them to make some animations about their lives. We’ll be sharing their creations as part of our age and wellbeing series over the next few weeks. Their first film is simple but hugely powerful, showing […]

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The day you’re admitted to a mental health facility is not the right time to be forced to quit smoking

A post from Dougie Pickering, Director of  @voxScotland , national mental health service user led organisation in Scotland When is the right time… …not for giving up smoking, but perhaps being ‘forced’ to?  After a great deal of service user consultation at local and national levels, including smokers and non-smokers, the answer seems to be:  “not on […]

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