Some attendee take-aways from our recent film review workshop

_Even if something is left undone,everyone must take time to sit still and watch the leaves turn._

We recently ran a film review workshop with critic Alistair Harkness (@aliharkness) from The Scotsman. The topic of film is always guaranteed to get people talking as they are something people are really passionate about and can connect with. As a film lover I found the workshop really informative and it taught me a lot about what to look for when viewing films critically. I’ll definitely be look at film a little bit differently now!

It was really interesting to hear from the attendees what they learned from the session. Here is some feedback from the session.

“I liked the idea that you can start to understand things that are happening in your own life by seeing how the characters in a film deal with it. And how your perspective on those things, and which characters you identify with, can change over time.” – Rosie, project manager

“There is no right or wrong way to critique a film. Your opinion of it might be completely different from someone else, but that’s ok.” – Robert, community correspondent

Community correspondent Jim said that he liked the fact Ali was really down to earth and gave everyone a chance to speak and share their own experiences of films they enjoyed.

“The thing Ali said that really stuck with me was his approach to writing a review. Some times you may be at a loss of what to say, how to structure your review and so on, but if that happens just write. Staring at a blank screen can make it harder to get your thoughts down, so just start writing what you think and creativity will emerge.” Pete, community correspondent

If you would be interested in coming along to a similar workshop, or if you have any ideas of workshops you’d like us to run, then please do get in touch.


One Response to Some attendee take-aways from our recent film review workshop

  1. Anshul February 23, 2018 at 7:10 pm #

    Thank you, editor bless you more…

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