Getting lost on Mull helped me find something special #journeys

woman smiling with two dogs

A post from our Community Correspondent Laura McGlinn @stargazer1210

Well where do I start? I was meant to be writing about my off grid adventure from Ulva to Geomentra on a 8 mile hike to an off-grid Bothy.

I can tell you about carrying large backpacks, two dogs getting to know each other, 8-foot deer fences and my finest winters clothing in blazing heat. Well its safe to say Ulva was lovely and getting completely lost gave me nothing but laughter. I still received an experience I will never forget and that’s a great thing.

Once upon a time I would have felt like a complete failure, beat myself up. That inner critic would have had a fabulous time at my expense because I  would feed it and feed it. This perfectionist would feel like a failure. By practising self compassion techniques and mindfulness I was able to let it go quicker and live in the present moment and just enjoy and go with the flow.

WOW, WOW and WOW I was super proud. No rumination creeping in and removing me from enjoying my holiday on the Isle of Mull in a wonderful weekend of glorious sunshine. I felt free and alive and completely aware of everything around me. For a photographer that can only be a great thing.

Before my life was halted in its tracks by mental illness I was that photo bomber. Kim Kardashian would have been proud of me:  Selfie girl with a Nikon! That funny face in social setting and party pics. Now I may not be that socialite quite yet, I did allow myself to super enjoy a moment, a place, a feeling to be captured of me that I can map my journey so far.

This image is major for me, not only are my fur babies Fidget and Bounce in it , I’m laughing, feeling relaxed and living in that present moment in time captured forever for me to reflect and cherish.

Thank you for allowing me to share my journey with you. Here I am: no make up, fancy hair or stylish outfit. This is Me!.

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