What do you wish people knew about mental illness? – Angela’s response

We’re almost midway through our series of summer workshops, funded by Healthy Minds anti-stigma fund. If you would like to learn more about the workshops, including information on how to sign up (it’s not too late!) then click here

This week, we’re sharing another response to a creative writing prompt from one of our sessions. Angela responded to the prompt – What do you wish people knew about mental illness? The work produced in the sessions so far has been interesting, thought-provoking and well written. This piece of writing from Angela inspired a conversation within the group about the connection between mental and physical illness, and how people perceive the two in different ways.

I wish people knew that if you’re not feeling great, the chances are that you’re not alone. Most people pretend they’re fine when they’re really not, until their normal personality alters so they react differently than they normally would in interactions. When that happens, I wish people knew that it is ok to ask people if they’re ok. perhaps this would help things not to escalate to the point where it’s difficult to come back from without help. I wish people knew it is alright to ask for help.

I wish people knew that (in my experience) resolving mental health issues can be as/if not more difficult than resolving physical issues. People are much more sympathetic towards people who are physically ill than mentally ill.

Therefore, lots of times, people just suffer in silence.

I’d love to read your responses to this prompt, even if you didn’t make it along to the session. If you’re interested in sharing work, or getting put on the community correspondent mailing list (where you’ll get regular emails from me about writing opportunities, workshops and other resources!) then get in touch by emailing maddy@mindwavesnews.com, messaging @mindwaves_scot on Instagram or tweeting us @mindwaves1

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