Describe a place where you feel safe – Ruth’s response

We’re almost midway through our series of summer workshops, funded by Healthy Minds anti-stigma fund. If you would like to learn more about the workshops, including information on how to sign up (it’s not too late!) then click here.

This week on the blog, we’re sharing a response to a creative writing prompt from one of our creative non-fiction and stigma workshops. Ruth responded to the prompt: Describe a place where you feel safe. Her beautiful words are below.

I am bundled in my mother’s arms. They wrap me up tight and protect me from the world. Just like bubble wrap protects glass from shattering, my mother’s squeeze protects me from crumbling. My negative thoughts melt away and I become my young self again- fearless and full of joy. I have not seen the impacts of the world and have not learnt the true meaning of pain. No one can hurt me.

I’d love to read your responses to this prompt, even if you didn’t make it along to the session. If you’re interested in sharing work, or getting put on the community correspondent mailing list (where you’ll get regular emails from me about writing opportunities, workshops and other resources!) then get in touch by emailing, messaging @mindwaves_scot on Instagram or tweeting us @mindwaves1

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