Flourish House
Many businesses and community projects could learn useful lessons from the example of Flourish House. If the public has any conception of what is involved in a clubhouse, it usually is of a drop-in centre where members do as much or as little as they like. For those not aware the clubhouse model, it is […]
Action for Brain Injury Week 2012
Headway, the brain injury charity, is promoting Action for Brain Injury Week from the 14th – 20th May. Acquired Brain Injury is becoming recognised as a growing problem: brain injuries often leave no external evidence, the symptoms of a brain injury may be hidden, and as a result they are often mis-diagnosed or not picked […]
Heading for Success!
For many people football is just merely a sport. A passionate one at that, but still no more than a hobby. However for some people the effects of football can be life changing. This is something that has been picked up by the managers at Carr Gomm. Kevin Fullerton and Derek Black have seen the […]
A good day
My family dog recently had 8 puppies and I spent the day looking after them. They are so full of life and curiosity that I couldn’t help but smile. It made my day all the better when they all fell asleep around me, exhausted after a day of playing in the sunshine. Story by […]
Digitally Agile Scotland
Digitally Agile Scotland Seminar Mind Waves attended the Digitally Agile Scotland seminar on 29 March, at the Scottish Youth Theatre in Glasgow. We joined a host of community organisations to share ideas about how we can use social media effectively. Thirty delegates took part in a mix of team discussions and talks, throughout a packed […]
Many people who have a mental health problem find it difficult or distressing to deal with certain aspects of their lives, like dealing with bureaucracy, when they are acutely unwell. In those situations, it is often a good idea to call on the skills of an Independent Advocate. Advocacy is an impartial, non-judgemental and usually […]
Long Term Conditions Alliance Scotland (LTCAS) Conference
Community Reporter Kevin Gallagher was asked the following question recently – How do you avoid talking politics in relation to the state of funding for long-term care? Especially as it has such an effect on all aspects of life for service users and providers. It is a very stressful time for all those involved. In […]
Kicking Out Mental Health Stigma
The stigma attached to those who suffer Mental Health problems is unquestionable. But now we see new initiatives that are trying to eradicate such an attachment. It comes from an unlikely source and for many a popular one too. Football, whether it be playing or watching, has been shown to affect those who suffer from […]
Being a Community Reporter
When I was given the opportunity to work with the Mindwaves project I was very excited about the prospect. Not only did I consider it work that I believed in but I also appreciated the experience it would give me. Having once had mental problems myself I understood that it was difficult for people to […]
Singing For the Brain
Positive mental wellbeing is important for everyone. One group of people who often have poorer mental wellbeing is those affected by dementia. The condition can be hard for both people who have dementia and for their carers. But one way to improve people’s wellbeing is singing, as Singing for the Brain Renfrewshire can attest. Occupational […]