A story in a poem: sign up for a free creative writing course in Glasgow for people with stories about migration

At Mind Waves, we know the power of a story.

So, we were really interested to hear about a new project from Migrant Voice Network that will offer 18-30 year-olds the chance to learn skills and tell their story of migration and how it has affected their lives.

A Story in a Poem will run for every second Monday for a total of ten sessions and will bring together migrants and non-migrants to talk about migration, community and integration. It’s a great opportunity to learn storytelling, poetry, podcasting and public speaking. The course is free, but you need to commit to attending all ten sessions.

The course runs from 23rd May  until September 26, alternate Mondays from 6-8pm at the Maryhill Integration Network on Avenue Park Street and will culminate in a story-sharing event.  If you’re interested, or you know someone who might be, contact Pinar:

Email: pinar@migrantvoice.org

Phone:  07398680585 (Mondays 10-6pm- Wednesdays 10-2pm only)



project leaflet



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