Ten years of making waves – ‘It takes a village’

This week, to round off our reflections on ten years of Mind Waves, we have one of our community correspondents Laura, who shared some words and photos with us about her experience with Mind Waves over the years. Her words and pictures are below.

Something that I keep hearing is it takes a village to raise a child. However, my inner child and into adulthood needed a village to support my mental health. That village was Mind Waves, those within it and those we collaborated with.
One of my first ever blogs was ‘This is Me’. A photograph taken on Mull – where I’m now on my way to for some needed respite. To get off grid and recharge my batteries!
These images now say a lot of who I am; a mother to 3 wonderful furbabies, a photographer, and still very much an advocate for mental health. My partner Paul is also joining me on this growth mindset. With World Mental Health Day just passed and still navigating the effects of the pandemic, this is me supporting The Mental Health Foundation.We need to ‘Keep Going’.
Here’s my girl Fidget, now 8years old I wouldn’t have got to where I am now without her and been able to landscape my future, especially through the hardest hurdles I’ve ever had to endure.
A village, a family can be whatever you choose it to be.

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One Response to Ten years of making waves – ‘It takes a village’

  1. Laura McGlinn October 15, 2021 at 11:37 am #

    I just wanted to say a massive Thank Yiu for the continued support from Mind Waves and all those cherished peeps that make it what it is.
    It’s a very special group and creative without any judgement at all.It a place that nurtures,Nourishes and enables you to grow courage,strength and resiliance.

    It gives hope when your at your lowest,it gives love and a brighter window into the future Hip Hip Hooray!

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