This week on the blog, we’re happy to be sharing a wonderful poem written by Angela, one of our Community Correspondents, on the theme of resilience. Her piece is shared below.
You say “You’re so resilient” but I wish that you could see,
My “resilience” is a symptom of my PTSD,
Each time I fall, I bounce right, straight back,
But in my bouncing it seems the process I lack.
I’ve faced much heartache and mostly with a smile,
Picked myself back up to always walk the extra mile,
I could be in a million pieces and not a soul could tell,
For my resilience is so finely tuned and I know the story well.
Death doesn’t faze me, I cry for just one day,
My resilience kicks in and takes the heartbreak away,
It doesn’t give me a chance to grieve, doesn’t want me wasting time,
My resilience kicks my grief right to the back of every line.
I wouldn’t say I’m greatly skilled but the ones in which I am.
Are the things that my resilience always holds a plan,
Others have plan B, I have Plans C and D too,
I have confidence I’ll adapt if my world should all fall through.
My resilience has got me to where I stand today.
I’m thankful, I’m grateful but I also want to say,
This year has brought lessons and the one that I learned best,
Is that even “My Resilience” sometimes needs to rest.
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