Tag Archives | wellbeing

The Mind Waves podcast!

Good morning everyone and happy Monday! Just popping up to remind you that Mind Waves has a free podcast available to listen to now on Spotify. We’ve been taking a wee break from recording episodes, but there’s plenty of gems in our back catalogue that you might not have come across before. Firstly, I’d like […]

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Songwriting and music workshops recap!

We’re officially midway through our series of summer workshops, funded by Healthy Minds anti-stigma fund. If you would like to learn more about the workshops, including information on how to sign up (it’s not too late!) then click here. For the past few weeks, we’ve been running songwriting and music sessions as part of our series […]

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What is menopause? Watch our animation here!

As part of our series on menopause, we’re releasing an animation! This animation, titled What is menopause?  features a simple definition of the word menopause, outlines some physical and mental symptoms, and tells us about who undergoes menopause. Watch the animation by clicking the link below. https://biteable.com/watch/3887736/2f0a5deffa17fd55a54082b984a1df86 Soon, we’ll be sharing the second podcast episode in our […]

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New series: Menopause and mental health

This week on the blog we’re excited to be launching a new series that focuses on menopause and the ways it can affect your mental health. Over the next few weeks we’ll be spotlighting three Mind Waves podcast episodes, hosted by our resident podcaster Rosie, and featuring three women talking about their experience with the […]

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Self-care: corporate scam or political act?

This week, we’re taking a look at the concept of self-care and the ways that its definition has changed since the words inception.  The concept of self-care originated in the 1950s among the medical community. The concept of person-centred care was becoming popular in medicine, and medical staff began to think about ways to improve […]

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Staying positive during the winter months: Tips for winter wellness from Hilda

This week on the blog we’re continuing to share tips and stories around looking after your mental health in the winter. We have some words from Hilda, one of our longtime Community Correspondents and chief executive of COPE Scotland. She talks about the negative effects of the clocks changing, the difficulty of finding words to articulate these […]

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