Earlier this month (13 November) was World Kindness Day. With this and Christmas fast approaching, I’ve been thinking a lot about kindness and what it means to be kind. People have long understood the benefits of kindness for wellbeing. In recent years mental health experts have focused a lot on the topic, and a much […]
Archive | November, 2017
Why we have to let our children take risks @pmusttryharder
A film about our Community Correspondent Paula McGuire, by our Project Manager @rosiehopes As parents, it’s natural to want to protect our children. Paula McGuire was a quiet, timid child. Her parents loved her so much that they protected her from all the things she was afraid of… and it turned out that she was […]
What you can do to help people around Glasgow this year
Many of us turn our thoughts to people less fortunate at Christmas time. As they say it is the reason for the season after all. So we thought it’d be helpful to revisit a very popular post from a couple of years back about volunteering at Christmas. When we wrote the last post we learned […]
Strange Land
A poem about Risk from our Community Correspondent Derek Read It was a strange initiation, into this other world, this dark and forbidden world of touch and, be touched and finding ourselves and “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” I can’t remember who touched first and on what occasion, the exploration of […]
Fragile Foundations: the mental health of social care staff and the people they support @scottishcare
Mental health is a big issue in social care. Some people receive support because of mental illness; many others experience mental health problems alongside other conditions. There is also a very real impact on the mental health of the people who work in social care. A new report from Scottish Care looks at the experiences […]
SeeMe #Passthebadge Campaign
SeeMe has launched #PasstheBadge, a new digital campaign encouraging people to get talking about mental health. The charity has partnered with Scottish clothing company Abandon Ship and together they want to create a safe space online for people to talk about mental health and ask questions. To “Start Talking” about mental health SeeMe are asking […]
What does risk mean?
A post from our Community Correspondent Elizabeth Cassidy Risk means… … that you take a chance, a leap of faith to do something you haven’t done before. Like, for instance, going that extra mile or even just getting off the bus a stop early ( or a stop later). Try something that you’ve done done […]
CHEX Seeks Your Contributions for ScotGov Strategy for Healthier Future
The Community Health Exchange (CHEX) is making a contribution to the Scottish Governments consultation document ‘A Healthier Future – Action and Ambitions on Diet, Activity and Healthy Weight’. The consultation will run from 26 October to 31 January and CHEX welcomes your addition to what they say. If you’d like to get involved in shaping […]
6 Practical Self-Care Tips
Last week was NHS Self-Care week (Nov 13-19). We were encouraged to stop and take some time to think about our health and wellbeing. The NHS provided a bunch of great resources to help with things including losing weight, cutting down on alcohol, stopping smoking, and making most of your pharmacist. All these guides are […]
Risk Assessment – by Robert Terry
A new post from community correspondent Robert Terry on the theme of Risk. A sense of risk underestimated Risk ignoring your senses The risk of self-deception Risk always at large Minimise your risk of being alone What’s the risk of being happy Challenge taboos & risk ruination Risk upsetting the status quo Risk inciting the […]