“Some of the most positive changes for me have been the things that I’ve given up.” – Maureen reflects on a decade of experiences that have shaped her.

A beautiful post by Mind Waves Community Correspondent Maureen Gilmour as part of our ‘decade’ theme.

A lot has changed for me in the last ten years. I don’t really think about life in terms of achievements. In fact, some of the most positive changes for me have been things that I’ve given up. Things that I would have thought were signs of success, but that did nothing to make me happy.

In the last decade, I have:

  1. Had the courage to address my mental health issues
  2. Left my marriage and realised my self worth
  3. Left my long-term family home and moved to a new house on my own
  4. Given up a successful career to save my sanity
  5. Found some peace and happiness
  6. Joined Mind Waves, found like-minded supportive people and had articles published
  7. Made and lost friends
  8. Still not mastered technology
  9. Raised my children to become independent and loving adults
  10. Felt the effects of climate change
  11. Learned to accept who I am – the failures as much as the attributes
  12. Become more open and accepting of myself and others.

If you’d like to share your own reflections as part of our ‘decade’ theme please get in touch – we’d love to hear from your story! Why not watch our short animation with some questions to get you thinking?

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