I thought I’d never swim again: now I plan to swim the channel

Dawn Craig has always dreamed of swimming the channel, but when she became unwell in her 30s, that dream went out the window. She had to give up work and thought she’d never swim again.

After ten years of ill health, she’s now back at work teaching other people about self management and her dream of swimming the channel is alive again.

Dawn was a finalist in the #selfmanagement awards.

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One Response to I thought I’d never swim again: now I plan to swim the channel

  1. Dawn craig April 3, 2017 at 10:55 am #

    I really hope this video can Inspire and give HOPE to others. Never give up there is always away. I would encourage anyone to ask their GP or search yourself to find out whst self management projects are in your area. It’s totally changed and given me a life again.

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